• Kembali WBP Media menelisik tim BR 02 kota Salatiga, ketika tim tersebut latihan menjaga kinerja player merpati nya.

* Again, WBP Media investigated the BR 02 team from the city of Salatiga, when the team was practicing to maintain the performance of their pigeon players.

• dan sudah barang tentu, kualitas dari Players BR 2 Salatiga tidak jauh beda dari kualitas pendahulunya tersebut. * and of course, the quality of Players BR 2 Salatiga is not much different from the quality of its predecessor. • benar adanya setiap persilangan darah tidak semua sama hasilnya, namun darahan yang di perbanyak keturunannya di kandang BR2 Salatiga saat ini adalah darahan Mayor, selalu induk jantan Arya Sinawung. * it is true that every blood cross does not all produce the same result, but the blood that is being multiplied by its offspring in the BR2 Salatiga stable at this time is the Major blood, always the male parent Arya Sinawung. • artinya dengan bertahan sebagai peternak dan melestarikan darahan yang sudah jelas hasilnya tersebut, sir Haji Ghofar sudah melakukan langkah hemat dalam bermain merpati. * meaning that by surviving as a breeder and preserving the blood, the results of which are clear, Sir Haji Ghofar has taken economical steps in playing pigeons. • karena pada prinsipnya hanya beternak lah solusi terbaik yang bisa berhemat pengeluaran dalam berhobi merpati atau lainnya. * because in principle only raising livestock is the best solution that can save money on pigeons or other hobbies. • memang benar, Arya Sinawung sudah di tim Kartasura, dan Mayor selaku induk nya sudah ada di tim Bandar, namun dikandang BR 2 Salatiga masih ada beberapa saudara dari Arya Sinawung, * it's true, Arya Sinawung is already on the Kartasura team, and Major as the parent is already on the Bandar team, but at the BR 2 Salatiga stable there are still several brothers from Arya Sinawung, • sehingga walaupun keduanya sudah tidak berada di tim BR 2 Salatiga, namun jebolan kandang tersebut masih terjaga kualitasnya, karena masih ada beberapa saudara Arya Sinawung atau anak anak dari Mayor. * so that even though the two of them are no longer on the BR 2 Salatiga team, the quality of the graduates from the cage is still maintained, because there are still several Arya Sinawung siblings or children of the Mayor. • Artinya, benar adanya prinsip yang dipegang pak H. Ghofar, bahwa solusi berhemat adalah berternak. * This means that the principle held by Mr. H. Ghofar is true, that the solution to saving money is livestock. • bukan tidak mungkin, selepas Arya Sinawung dan Mayor dari kandang BR 2 Salatiga, bisa melahirkan player player potensial sekelas keduanya, * it is not impossible, after Arya Sinawung and Major from the BR 2 Salatiga stable, they can give birth to potential players of the same class as the two of them, • karena di tim BR 2 Salatiga masih menyisakan beberapa anak Mayor baik jantan maupun betina yg statusnya masih saudara dari Arya Sinawung. * because in the BR 2 Salatiga team there are still a number of Major's children, both male and female, whose status is still relatives of Arya Sinawung. • hal baiknya, sampai saat ini player player tim BR 2 Salatiga didominasi hasil ternakan sendiri, dengan kualitas diatas rata rata. * The good thing is, so far the players from the BR 2 Salatiga team are dominated by their own livestock, with above average quality. • dan artinya prinsip yg dipegang teguh Pak Haji Ghofar sejauh ini berhasil, bahwa solusi terbaik berhemat pengeluaran adalah Beternak. * and this means that the principle that Mr. Haji Ghofar upholds has worked so far, that the best solution to save money is raising livestock. • oke, WBP Lovers demikian perjumpaan kita kali ini, semoga apa yang menjadi prinsip dan pendapat Pak Haji Ghofar bisa menginspirasi kita bersama, * okay, WBP Lovers, that's how we met this time, I hope what Pak Haji Ghofar's principles and opinions can inspire us all, • jangan lupa sebelum keluar dari saluran ini bagi yang belum subscribe, klik Subscribe, Like dan Sare agar kreator WBP media semakin semangat, * don't forget before leaving this channel for those who haven't subscribed, click Subscribe, Like and Share so that the WBP media creators are even more enthusiastic.
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